Green Coffee

Group 3

Have a consistent, distinct flavor profile that makes them stand out from other coffees. They are processed with care and precision by micro-lot growers who devote special attention to the growing process. Scoring from 86.5 to 89 points.

Micro lots and small single estates, natural, honey fermentations.


Profile: Sweet Clean and Balanced profile with Red Fruit and Grape Essence and notes of Apple and Caramel Sweetness.
Process: Natural
Variety: Caturra
Altitude: 1650 Masl
Score: 86
Best for: Espresso, Milk Based, V60

Profile: Sweet, Clean and Balanced profile with Red Fruit and Grape Essence with notes of Pepper and Black Tea.
Process: Natural
Variety: Caturra
Altitude: 1800 Masl
Score: 86
Best for: Espresso, Milk Based, V60

Profile: Fruity with Red and Yellow fruits, notes of Plums, Pineapple and Strawberry, Excellent body and Distinct Lactic Aciditty.
Process: Washed / Anaerobic Fermentation
Variety: Castillo, Tabi
Altitude: 1850 Masl
Score: 86
Best for: Espresso, Milk Based, V60, Chemex

Profile: Cacao Nibs with Berries and Dry fruits notes with Fruity and Aromatic Aftertaste.
Process: 120 Hour Extended Anaerobic Fermentation
Variety: Castillo
Altitude: 1850 Masl
Score: 85
Best for: V60, Chemex, Cold Drip

Profile: Iconic of Pink Bourbon, Delicate Floral notes, Deep Oak hints and a Clean Chocolate base.
Process: Washed
Variety: Bourbon
Altitude: 1710 Masl
Score: 86
Best for: Espresso, Milk Based, V60, Chemex, Aeropress

Profile: Caramel, Chocolate, Jaggery and Blackberry
Process: Traditional Washed
Variety: Castillo Caturro
Altitude: 1500-1900 Masl
Score: 87
Best for: Espresso, Milk Based, V60, Chemex, Aeropress

Profile: Fruity, Citrusy, Caramel and Almond
Process: Natural – Extended fermentation 180 hours
Variety: Castillo
Altitude: 1800 Masl
Score: 87
Best for: V60, Chemex, 


Profile: Cacao, Tropical Fruits and Hazelnut.
Process: Natural
Variety: Red Bourbon
Altitude: 1600 Masl
Score: 89
Best for: Espresso, Milk Based, V60

Profile: Peach, Caramel and Sweet fruits.
Process: Washed
Variety: IHCAFE-90
Altitude: 1600 Masl
Score: 88
Best for: V60, Chemex

Profile: Chocolate, Strawberry, Cherries and Peach.
Process: Washed
Variety: Red Catuai
Altitude: 1600-1700 Masl
Score: 87
Best for: Espresso, Milk Based, V60

El Salvador

Profile: Sweet Honey, Creamy Caramel, Belgian Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Sweet Orange and Juicy Notes
Process: Natural
Variety: Red Bourbon and Pacas
Altitude: 1350 Masl
Score: 86.5
Best for: Espresso, Milk Based, V60

Profile: Clean, Sweet Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Caramel, Medium Acidity and Medium Body
Process: Black Honey
Variety: Parainema
Altitude: 1400 Masl
Score: 85.5
Best for: Espresso, Milk Based, V60

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